Monday, December 7, 2009

In/out programme

This programme is a system of communication between the Pastoral Care Team and the whole staff in relation to students who have particular needs at certain times. the In/Out lists are to help teachers become aware of students who may be struggling either in school or at home.It is important to note that the details of the students issues are confidential and do not need to be shared with staff. It is enough for the teachers to be aware that the student has an issue which might affect his/her work in school.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's important that teachers are aware that a student is having an issue which may be affecting their schoolwork. Like our discussion in class on Thursday, I would have to agree that stating they have an issue should be sufficent. I don't think every detail of the student's issue needs to be shared with staff. Every school should have a pastoral care team. Blog looks great, it's really coming on. Well done!
